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We developed a framework and a subscription service for this client
This camera was in development while we were working on the new software features for it

GoPro invited us to work with their team to improve the quality of their flagship GoPro camera app. We helped develop their SDK for interfacing to the Hero 5 and added a new subscription feature called, "GoPro PLUS".

One of our first clients, we rebuilt the Windows version of their app on the iPad

We recreated the PC version of CT Provider, practice management software for chiropractors, on the iPad. We also provided training and guidance as the company transitioned to an internal iOS development team.

We developed encryption and security routines as well as transactions over BLE. We also created the business directory.

Airbitz (now Edge) is a cryptocurrency wallet and security platform for other blockchain apps. We helped get their signature app, a wallet and bitcoin business directory, off the ground.

We developed many apps for this great client

We developed several apps in the Dexteria family geared toward improving fine motor skills. Therapists all over the world use Dexteria and its siblings to improve the lives of their patients.

We learned a lot about language disabilities from this client

QuestionIt helps students who have difficulty answering "wh-" questions like "who", "what", "when" and "where". This app contains a TON of spoken words and images which keeps the student engaged!

Dexteria Jr develops fine motor skills for preeschoolers

Dexteria Jr develops fine motor skills for preeschoolers. This app features fun animations and sound effects.

This app is used to buy and sell aircraft parts and complements our client's web-based offering so we needed to interface with existing backend server infrastructure. Because it's a native iOS app, it feels smooth and not "webby".

We created this app which uses the accelerometer to detect tilt in the iPad

LetterReflex is an app that helps students who have difficulty with letter reversals. It features two clever games that connect visible letters with physical actions.

This is the best app for programming your drip irrigation controller. We made it!

Frustrated with setting your drip irrigation timers? We created this app for DIG Corporation that interfaces wirelessly to their Bluetooth Operated Hose End. Set your watering schedule conveniently from your mobile device.

This hardware/firmware/software medical product is still in development and has not yet been released.

We developed this companion app for Broadcom to go with their Wiced Sense BLE sensor TAG. The Wiced Sense division has since been sold to Cypress Semiconductor.

This product is still in development and has not yet been released.